Sunday, September 12, 2010

Kennedy Space Center

This is the first of 3 posts about the KSC. We decided to take a mini vacation to the coast before we head out to the mountains next month. The kids really enjoy learning about space and looking through our telescopes, so why not drive down to the space center before we move 30 hours from it? Did you know Kennedy Space Center is the only place that launches people into space that is open to the public. I guess they open it up and use the $$ we spend there to help pay for NASA. There are only 2, maybe 3 shuttle missions left. Space travel in the US is up to contractors and civilian after that. It's a sad end to a great Era.

We had lunch with John Fabian, who flew to space twice, once with the first female to fly up there, so he is in all of those famous pictures. He was a funny old man.

The kids were trying to figure out how to make the "lunar rover" work. Ryan thought the gold picture in the left corner, which is actually a camera, was a machine gun, so he was shooting people as they walked by. You gotta love little boys!

The kids really like the old van that they used to transport astronauts in once they were suited up.

I guess things happen in cycles... Kids are into these vans, punch bugs (the cars), tie-dye, and peac signs!

NASA has paved the way for great technology and medicines, which is what they promote to try to keep everyone interested to keep funding. The kids liked this car.

Enjoy the rest of the photos! I will probably not update again until after we get settled in CO, which who knows how long that will take. We will keep the same e-mails, but bc we don't have cell phones, you won't be able to call us. Maybe I'll eventually get a cell phone, they are just so expensive!

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