Sunday, September 12, 2010

Kennedy Space Center

This is the first of 3 posts about the KSC. We decided to take a mini vacation to the coast before we head out to the mountains next month. The kids really enjoy learning about space and looking through our telescopes, so why not drive down to the space center before we move 30 hours from it? Did you know Kennedy Space Center is the only place that launches people into space that is open to the public. I guess they open it up and use the $$ we spend there to help pay for NASA. There are only 2, maybe 3 shuttle missions left. Space travel in the US is up to contractors and civilian after that. It's a sad end to a great Era.

We had lunch with John Fabian, who flew to space twice, once with the first female to fly up there, so he is in all of those famous pictures. He was a funny old man.

The kids were trying to figure out how to make the "lunar rover" work. Ryan thought the gold picture in the left corner, which is actually a camera, was a machine gun, so he was shooting people as they walked by. You gotta love little boys!

The kids really like the old van that they used to transport astronauts in once they were suited up.

I guess things happen in cycles... Kids are into these vans, punch bugs (the cars), tie-dye, and peac signs!

NASA has paved the way for great technology and medicines, which is what they promote to try to keep everyone interested to keep funding. The kids liked this car.

Enjoy the rest of the photos! I will probably not update again until after we get settled in CO, which who knows how long that will take. We will keep the same e-mails, but bc we don't have cell phones, you won't be able to call us. Maybe I'll eventually get a cell phone, they are just so expensive!

Kennedy Space Center

We have Lots of Space Center photos. It was a fun day!

Layla and Ryan look so tiny under the Shuttle.

Layla training for space

Weightless-ness. She could only use her arms- to simulate no gravity- like walking on the moon.

All the astronauts we have lost.

The sign! We knew we were getting close. Look how clear the sky was!

Kennedy Space Center

The kids (Dan included) enjoyed the space center. They got to "drive" some vehicles- land on the moon and hook up to the International Space Station.

Another beautiful, bright day!

Layla and Dan went to Astronaut training while Ryan and Amber relaxed at the pool. Layla was the Mission Specialist for the Shuttle Discovery during her training. She loved it!

Dan and Layla in training. (Ryan was too young)

They got to meet former Astronaut, Robert Springer.

Cape Canaveral, Florida

Over Labor Day Weekend we took a trip down to Florida and enjoyed the beautiful weather. We stayed at a nice hotel in Cape Canaveral, got to the beach one day and the Space Center another.

Layla and Ryan digging in the sand. There were bad rip currents, so they couldn't go out too deep, but they had fun. The water was warm and we had about 1 hour of playing before the afternoon storms rolled in.

This picture is sideways too... So, tilt your head please! There was a fun park next to our hotel that had lazer tag (we really liked that- sorry no pics) and go carts. It was Mom and Son vs Dad and Daughter. Can you guess who won????

Tilt your heads again :). Dan and Layla were good sports even though we lapped them- yep, lapped them!!! They said it was bc they weighed more than us, but we all know that it was from the years of practice I had as a child.

It may not be the prettiest beach, but it was beautiful out. We got to see some huge cruise ships.

Dan's 30!

We planned a suprise bday party for Dan, but like most things, it didn't work out so well- we won't name any of his friends names that didn't hold up their end (pics speak for themselves). HAHA

He had a good time even though it was bittersweet bc one of his BFFs (do you like how I borrowed Layla's word) moved away after the party.

Dan says the couch isn't the same without Posada (who tried to sleep through most of the party).

We had good friends Gabby and Jake, and of course the kids.

Dan got horseshoes and as soon as we hammered them in after the cake, it started storming. Darn these summer birthdays!

Again, this photo was the right way, but now it isn't, so you'll just have to tilt your head :). If you know me well, you know I like to put the right # of candles on the cake. Pretty soon I will have to make Dan sheet cakes so there's enough room!

Layla's Birthday Party

Layla is 8 and in 3rd grade now! Here are some pics of her birthday party. We planned it for the park, bc I do not like the idea of having 10+ kids in my house... But, as luck would have it, it was beautiful all morning and then BOOM!!! It rained cats and dogs, so we had to relocate to our tiny house... It went really well though and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

This picture was the right way when I attached it, but now it's turned and I can't get it back, but you get the point!

Layla and her best friend, plus other friends. They have been BFFs for over a year now, playing ball together and being in the same class, so it's hard moving away from her. At least they will get to write each other and use the pretty paper they have!

I guess kids are into tie-dye and peace now, which Dan thinks is funny considering his job. Layla asked for a tie-dye peace-sign cake, and I did my best.