We dug a ditch, put gravel in to help the water drain, and then mixed good soil with our dirt and planted Cilantro, Zucchini, Green Bell Peppers, Jalepenos, and Tomatoes... And... They all actually grew- It was/is amazing! Layla said it wouldn't happen- that I have a Black thumb (which I do- I've even killed a cactus and bamboo). I will take pics of them now, but it's raining. We've eaten lots of zucchinis and jalepenos(Dan), a couple fried green tom.s and the bell pep.s are almost ready. We had great cilantro, went on vacation for a week (neighbor watered) and when we got back our rental people had actually mowed the lawn (it's usually about waist high before they do) and they weed-wacked my beautiful cilantro to death, so it's gone...
What do I do with a day off of work? I keep Ryan home from daycare and we dig a ditch! He was happy to help me and I enjoyed the day "off".
Our little ball star! There aren't enough girls Layla's age, so she had to play coach pitch baseball again, but she outran all the boys and was great with hitting and playing 2nd base! Next year she should move up to the pitching machine with softballs.
Ryan is a great baseball player, he is tired of T-ball, so I am hoping he can move up to coach-pitch next year. He is the one reaching for the ball. They don't let them do a lot in t-ball - no throwing, get the ball once then move so another boy gets a turn, run 1 base at a time, etc... Still fun though!
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